Manola Carter / Producer

I first drew breath in Maracaibo, Venezuela, and soon after that moved to Colombia, and consequently back to Venezuela.  Then moving to Peru,  California, Iran, back to California, then Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and boarding school in Northern California. My father worked as an engineer for the Fluor-Global Engineering and Contracting Company and my mom, sister, and I tagged along during most of his overseas contracts. The parents retired in Costa Rica, and that’s where I attended High School. I  lived in Montreal, Canada, where I learned French and attended Dawson College’s Interior Design program. I lived in Brooklyn, New York, for 13 years. I attended The Parson's School of Design in Manhattan, Interior Design Program. Thereafter I worked in the not-for-profit sector with Amanaka’a Amazon Network, Farm-Hands-City-Hands (FHCH) program Project OnGrowing, and The Producer's Project working with inner-city kids and Community Television.

I headed Southwest, and helped launch the artistic career of the metal sculptor, Jose Varela. I presently reside in winter-friendly Tucson, Arizona, being a student at the Acropolis Sophia Ascended Masters School of Wisdom’s Monastic Program. I'm a creative person, having designed various projects and been involved in helping manage others. 

Presently, I’m working my way to becoming a film producer, and started the idea of Three Fold Flame Productions (3ffp), with the objective to outpicture good works that help inspire, transform and enlighten humanity. My first film project in the works is Pirsig's Journey. 

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